Sunday, January 5, 2014

Reusable Sandwich Bags

I finally ran out of sandwich sized ziplock baggies. I still have an endless supply of snack sized ziplocks though, so I will keep using those.

My kids go to a wonderful school that encourages healthy living. A lot of the kids use "green" snack bags rather than disposable plastic bags and now my kids will join the green lunchbox revolution. They will have reusable sandwich bags!

Honestly, I don't know how "green" polyurathane laminate fabric is, it's care and cleaning with use of soap and water, or the industry of zipper manufacturing as opposed to the manufacture and disposal of ziplock baggies, so I'll just leave that side of it alone. Let's consider the reuse of PUL bags as environmentally friendly.  I will use these in the girls' lunchboxes and for our snacks when we go on outings.

My friend uses them all the time. She's had her sandwich bags for years and she says they wash up great and stand up to all sorts of snack packing. She has three children and they all lunchbox at school and on outings too. I figure if a mom of three has been using the same little bags for years, they might be handy.

She has both zipper and velcro style bags. All of hers are PUL lined with something cute on the outer side. I decided to only use PUL which means my seams are exposed to the interior of the bag and might become crumb catchers. We shall see.  Maybe I will cover the seams with double folded bias tape, that might be a good trick.

These four sandwich bags took me about an hour to cut and sew together, although I had interruptions and I wasn't sewing in a hurry or anything. I am sure if I only had a half an hour, I could have still done up a couple of them at least. I used old zippers taking this reusable thing to a new level.

Here they are!  And yes, the green bags are actually pink polka dots. Who says being green can't be cute?

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