Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Grandma's Pajamas

My grandmother asked me to make a pair of pajamas for her and I accepted the challenge. It was nice to have a sew something different for a change.  The whole time I was sewing her pajamas, I really enjoyed the project and I kept thinking I should sew up a pair for myself! I think I will!

Honestly, it took me way too long to finish these pajamas. I should have been able to do them in a much shorter amount of time but my sewing time has been very limited these past few months. I'm so glad I finally finished them! Now I just have to get them in the mail. My grandma has more patience than anyone I know. She must, she's still waiting for her jammies! I'll send them soon!  I just need to get someone to take them to the post office for me. Any volunteers? (I can't carry a package into the post office while on crutches) 

My grandma sent me her measurements and her fabric preferences. She sent along one of her favorite pajama tops to use as a pattern too. I used the top to decide what type of fabric to get and of course, used it as the pattern for the top.

I took the kids with me to choose fabric. I was in charge of what it felt like and they were in charge of what it looked like. Good plan. But, they both chose something different. No problem, I'll make two pair! And, I did.

Cutting out two of something is just as easy (or hard) as cutting one. So, might as well cut two! The problem was that I didn't buy enough fabric of either print, so had to run back to the fabric store for more. Luckily, it was still in stock.  

The pajamas are two piece sets. Pants and a blouse.

The pants were easy, but I am worried about the fit. I really hope they fit nicely. She sent measurements but I had a hard time with the pantleg to waist ratio. It didn't seem right and when I finished, I feel like the waist should have been wider to allow more of a gather in the elastic waistband. I don't know; I'm just nervous that they aren't quite right. I will see what she says about the fit and try again if needed.

The top was more difficult because of the collar, but I finally figured it out.  I put the collar on wrong the first time I tried it and no matter how I tried to figure it out, it seemed wonky. I had to look it up in my sewing book! I like figuring things out on my own, but I do have a couple of nice sewing books that explain just about everything.  I looked it up and it was so easy! Why didn't I figure it out!

The collar has to be sandwiched between the neckline and the interfacing, and then it is perfectly placed and the facing lies nicely too. OOooooooh. Of course!

The other difficult part, intimidating actually, was the buttonholes. I don't have a buttonholer on my machine so I had to zig-zag the buttonholes on my own. I love my vintage machine, it runs like a dream, but now I'm longing for an automatic buttonhole feature. My buttonholes might be a smidge different but they are all pretty close to the same. I had to make 8 of them!

I added two good sized pockets to each top for hankies and mints and other things.

The pajama tops turned out great! I hope they feel good and fit nicely. I'm looking forward to giving them to my grandma and hearing if she likes them or not. If they don't fit, I might just have to pack up my sewing machine and go visit!

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